OUR work

Land managment that restores and protects Maui’s unique ecosystems from mauka to makai.

Invasive species managment


Managing axis deer populations is key to restoring the leeward slopes of Haleakalā.

Axis deer have dessimated vegetative cover, causing severe erosion during stormwater events. The introduction of fencing will create opportunities to manage deer populations and allow for vegetative growth. Re-establishing vegetation mauka will reduce erosion potential, help prevent coastal flooding, and improve water quality.

Gorse removal

Gorse is a highly invasive weed that covers thousands of acres of mountain pastures. It is unpalatable to livestock, and when left unmanaged, it quickly spreads across entire landscapes. To effectively control of gorse at scale, tedius and arduous labor is required. Outplanting of koa trees occurs in conjunction with gorse removal. This work increases carbon sequestration, rehabilitates mountain pastures, protects native forests, improves watershed health, reduces wildfire potential, and enhances whildlife habitat.


Detention Basin

The steep slopes of Maui, combined with heavy land degradation by feral ungulates, have created a landscape that is susceptible to sediment-laden stormwater flooding. Large volumes of sediment are deposited onto streets and homes as well as streams, wetlands, and nearshore waters during each stormwater event, degrading aquatic and marine habitats for many species of plants, birds, coral reefs, and fish. The negative impacts are widespread, and flood mitigation strategies are needed. A detention basin, designed to reduce flow rates and store stormwater for a period of time to allow for the settlement of sediment and pollutants, will help protect the Kīhei community and environment from future flooding events.

Learn More Here


R-1 to Forage

The intent of this pilot project is to identify the best delivery system to place large amounts of R-1 water on leeward Haleakalā to revegetate the landscape that has been denuded by axis deer. By placing R-1 water onto the landscape rather than into underground injection wells, this project will have a significant impact on near shore water quality and coral reef health. It will promote aquifer recharge, and the newly established vegetation will prevent erosion and serve as forage for cattle. To grow forage for cattle is to grow food for Maui residents.